Jump Agboss Rail 2.4mt White & Yellow

Jump Agboss Rail 2.4mt White & Yellow
Jump Agboss Rail 2.4mt White & Yellow
Jump Agboss Rail 2.4mt White & Yellow

Jump Agboss Rail 2.4mt White & Yellow

Regular price $99.95
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Jump Agboss Rail 2.4mt White & Yellow

Vibrantly painted cavaletti poles are an absolute must for anyone learning the finer points of jumping. Constructed from a robust yet lightweight plastic,they are perfect for use as well as ease of moving around. Especially transporting as they unscrew.

The pole has four component sections and a typical length of 2.4 metres. It has interchangeable compartments that screw together.
Pole may be adjusted in 600 mm steps to lengthen or shorten it as needed.
Because they unscrew, they are easily transportable.
The horse and rider shouldn't be hurt because the pole is made to break apart at one of the connections with sufficient power.
Available in the following Colours: White & Black, White & Blue, White & Pink, White & Purple, White & Red & White & Yellow
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